Recently I began writing a blog. I was thinking about it, and there are a bagillion reasons I felt like I should start one, however I did not know exactly what I would write about. Once I started my previous blog I didn't really feel pleased with the outcome, feel, look, all that junk. I knew that there was more that could come out of spending time writing a blog, yet partaking in this just wasn't really doing anything for me. I thought about deleting the blog and just forgetting about it. I would tell my Jesus Loving Coffee Momma compadres
"Oh well y'all, I ain't bloggin' wichy'all no mo "These thoughts were happening while I was attempting to fall asleep (but I drank coffee too late in the afternoon for an appropriate bed time). Then my son decided he was going to play the 'roll over onto my tummy in my sleep and then get angry because I can't figure out how to roll back over' game multiple times in a two hour period. This gave me plenty of time to lay awake in bed trying to fall asleep, yet knowing deep inside what's the point? He's gonna wake up in 5 minutes any how!! SOooOO back to the point of that tangent..... A voice inside my head, whether it was God, or myself (Still can't tell who's idea it was) decided that instead, I will create a new blog (on blogger instead of wordpress this time) with an actual theme to it that will also be a disciplinary tool for myself. The theme for this blog even presented itself: I would help myself discover the new me by actually paying attention to my life! I will watch the way the new version of myself handles situations and through discipline, prayer, discernment and intuition figure out how to be this new version of myself. I feel inside that through this I will be able to attack and analyze current things in my life that feel like defeat and come out on top as the defeater not the defeated!
So this is the new start, to a new me. NO longer giving into the depressing self-torturing yucky thoughts that hold me back from life. NO longer giving into the idea that I don't know who I am anymore, and living out the new me and LOVING IT so if you are joining me on my path of "self discovery" please leave me some comments of encouragement, conviction, helpful tips ect. I look forward to what will come of this new blog, and new confident self!
Love your new approach, the look, and you momma! The key to contented blogging is doing it for you and Jesus and however many readers/comments come along is all gravy! You know I'll be reading every post!:)