If God randomly showed up in a bush on fire, would you actually do what this burning shrub was telling you?
It's so crazy how our version of obedience and patience with the spiritual things in our life are so tiny in comparison to our good ole ancestors we read about in the B.I.B.L.E. Yet we still are really good at coming up with excuses as to how we aren't yet in our spiritual walk to take that chance. Or we decide that our life is too hectic in other areas to be able to put our all into what ever we think our heart is telling us to do.(ps thats actually God calling....) We are afraid of what a few people in our life might think of us...or what most people in our life might think of us. We like being lazy and relax during our "down time". We like having drinks occasionally in the evenings. We enjoy smoking a little you-know-what to make certain outings more enjoyable. We feel better when talk trash about that person we don't agree with. We lie to get out of things because we'd rather not take up our precious time for others. We want to spend the money on something else.
What if everyone in the Bible gave into those ideas.
I am still slowly yet surely working on my chronological reading plan. So theres Exodus where God comes to Moses (lucky....) and tells him to do some things. HUGE things. Freeing a whole nation of people huge. Moses does become a bit self conscious about his ability to speak to people,(but hey-we all have weaknesses. Where we are weak, He is strong ya know...) and kind of ticks off God a bit with his whining, yet he is obedient thru the whole situation, even when he didn't really want to. Even when people were annoyed with him. Even when he was threatened.
Can you imagine, you are doing your daily thing. For myself it would go like this-I just put the Bubbaluski in his booster seat with some cheerios and berries. I am going through the motions of making my coffee, about to rinse the coffee filter and BOOM out of no where, in the running water God is like " Hey Michelle. You need to go to a strip club and talk to the owner, and tell him to let all the women go so you can take them to church and change their lives."
I highly doubt I would be like, o.k. but let me bring my sister with me because she speaks better than I do. Then boss up into the joint and be like look dude, God told me to free these women.
I would first probably think I ingested some kind of chemical.
I mean, barely close out my twitter account and go to my youversion app when I feel like He is telling me to.
Yet, back in the day. Moses and Aaron listened to everything God told them to do. They obeyed. They followed his orders and were disciplined in the ways they did everything. They didn't sleep in. Take a day off. They didn't use the powers God gave them selfishly.
They saved a whole nation of people. Conquered every single obstacle placed in front of them. Through their obedience God gave them the strength they needed to fulfill the task he gave them. God wouldn't call you to something you aren't capable of doing. However, you cannot forget that you NEED to trust in HIM to get you through it. If you try to do it all alone, you will fail. Moses trusted in the power of God to part them waters.
I'd like to see you make a whole dang river split in half so you could walk across the riverbed.
Today, I chose obedience every time I felt my heart(GOD) telling me to do something.
Like right now for instance, I wanted to play S.W.T.O.R while the baby was napping. Instead, I blogged.(another thing I am not obedient or disciplined with)
Whoever you are that is reading this, try at least for the rest of today. Choose obedience. Every time. God blesses our lives so much more than we realize(have you noticed how beautiful the spring is?). Why can't we just do the little things he asks of us to bless others.
Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?47 As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like.48 They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
You're awesome, I looove the way you write, please share your wisdom more often. And if God does ever tell you to boss up a strip club, I'll be your sister.:)